White River Merino Stud was founded on pure Collinsville blood in 1951. Only the very best Collinsville genetics have been introduced with several world record priced rams being purchased from the parent stud, coupled with select infusions from the most suitable leading Australian sires, enabling White River to cement a type for which it is renowned.
Our clip average on fleece wools is 20 microns with a 72.5 yield. Our mature ewes cut 8-9 kg, Micron 20.0-21.5. Hoggets cut 7-8kg and micron 18.5 – 20 depending on the season. Bodyweights of 15 month old rams are from around 100 – 140 kgs and top breeding ewes around 100kgs.
At White River, we are aiming towards bigger, plainer, freer types of animals to cater for modern day demands.